

April 10, 1969 was the day chosen by the state through FEVE for closing the line for being deficit. Despite all protests, including private feasibility studies who tried to prevent the closure, had to give resolution to the order of service suppression issued on March 17. The last train pulled Gerona at 17.16 hours in which he was the director of company. In all trains stations was waited and cheered. He arrived at 21.45 hours to San Feliu. Awaiting for all the people, it was a momnet of silence, finally, when the locomotive was kept just before entering sleep later whistled plaintively thus closing 77 years of railway histori of Sant Feliu to Gerona railway.


dia del cierre

Last train:

On April 10, 1969 was produced the last traffic of the San Feliu's train. l 10 de abril de 1969 se produjo la última circulación del tren de Sant Feliu de Guíxols. In spite of the fact that always there was had the hope that the closing was only temporary, everithing the one that could went to give his good-bye to the "carrilet".

Photo by unknown author. Foto realizada por autor desconocido. Found of the Municipal Archive of Sant Feliu de Guíxols (AMSFG), Collection Espuña-Ibañez.

Locomotora nº 1

Locomotive N0. 1 i its final resting:

In the covererd stores of S.F.G. great time remained the locomotives and coaches of the railroad when we can see that the engine is no longer road ahead.

Although the State wanted to remain with motive power and mobile of the railroad, owners of it prevented them from taking nothing to him of the workshops and sheds of Sant Feliu. They were all vestiges of which was once the narrow gauge atypical spanish railway. It was connecting a village of the coast with the important city inside, ant not upside-down, when the whole people which was awaiting his train, this one this one reamine many year more among them and one did not alienate as all those of narrow railways in the epoch of the 70 dissappeared for the summit of the road principally, but other one of the reasons was the absence of investment.

Photo belonging to the Fund of the Municipal Archive of Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

Coches de pasajeros

Passenger cars:

Crammed into the track in a long line, for a long time they remained the passenger's cars in San Feliu.

Photo belonging to ASAFEGI's found.

Quemando madera 1

Quemando madera 2Bornt Wood:

In this way were reduced to junk freight wagons in the 70s of last century. Hereby so simple there was separating the wood of the iron, wich later wold be taken advantage by the scrap metal dealer.

Photo belonging to the Fund of the Municipal Archive of Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

Alisando el terreno

Ground straightening:

Once alienated the rail and the naughty ones of the Sant Feliu's station, a machine of thoroghfares realized the first cleanliness of the whole ballast (few ballast that was staying) and it prepared the esplanade of the station for other uses. While, silenced locomotive number 1, which remained close to another material in the covered wharf observes the work annoy and immobile.

Photo belonging to the Fund of the Municipal Archive of Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

protección de material

Material Protection:

Atípica perspectiva del material del tren que se preservó por algún tiempo en el muelle cubierto del S.F.G. Se pueden observar los cuidados que tuvieron los coches de pasajeros cuyo techo se encuentra en buen estado. En general el material preservado del S.F.G. ha podido llegar a nuestros días en buen estado por varios motivos. El primero la dedicación de los empleados de la compañía. En segundo el cuidarlo durante tiempo de la intemperie. El tercero el amor de algunas personas que no permitieron su desballestado.

Foto realizada por Jordi Budó.

Atypical train hardware perspective that was preserved for some time in the spring covered the SFG You can see the care that had passenger cars whose roof is in good condition. In general the material preserved from S.F.G. has been reached today in good condition for several reasons. The first dedication of the employees of the company. Secondly the time to care for the weather. The third love of some people who did not allow his desballestado.

Photo by Jordi Budó.

errática trayectoria

Erratic path:

As the end of Sant Feliu's railways was so atypical, rolling debris left by moving from one place to another, and only the goods waggons happened for the unarmed end, staying the locomotives practically intacts. RENFE's former lot with the dissassembly of the SFG railway, on the Gerona station. It was the beginning of the 70s.

Photo by unknown author, belonging to the Fund of the Municipal Archive of Sant Feliu de Guíxols.


Reduce to junk:

A finales del 69 se produjo el desballestado masivo de los vagones del Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Se quemaba la madera y se aprovechaba el hierro. En la foto se pueden ver dos operarios en plena faena de desmantelado de un vagón.

Foto realizada por autor desconocido. Fondo del Archivo Municipal de Sant Feliu de Guíxols (AMSFG), Colección Moltó.

At the end of 69 there was a massive reduction to scrap train wagons Sant Feliu. It burned wood and iron took advantage. In the picture you can see two workers hard at work on a wagon dismantled.

Photo by unknown author. Municipal Archive Fund Sant Feliu (AMSFG) Moltó Collection.

Desolación 1 Desolación 2 Desolación 3 Desolación 4
Desolación 5

Desolación 6Bleakness:

El 3 de octubre de 1972, y el  22 de mayo de 1974 (fotos de debajo), el Sr. Jordi Rabell hizo estas fotos de la estación de Sant Feliu de Guíxols.
Todo guardado y el hierro desmantelado. Quizá la resolución judicial que paralizó el enajenamiento que hubiera hecho FEVE mostró la desolación de la estación en aquellos años. Pero evitó que se perdiera la memoria histórica del carrilet de Sant Feliu.
Fotos perteneciente al Fondo Jordi Rabell del Archivo Municipal de Sant Feliu de Guíxols (AMSFG).

On October 3, 1972, and May 22, 1974 (photo below), Mr. Jordi Rabell took these pictures of the station of Sant Feliu.
All saved and iron dismantled. Perhaps the court decision that had paralyzed the alienation made feve showed the desolation of the season in those years. But he avoided being lost carrilet historical memory of Sant Feliu.
Photos belonging to Fund Jordi Rabell of the Municipal Archives of Sant Feliu de Guíxols (AMSFG).

Abandono 1 Abandono 2 Abandono 3 Abandono 4

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